I think a lot about how amazing it is that God is not only "The Creator" but a creator who asks his creations to join him in his creating. :)
Right now there is a desperate need in our churches, our communities, our denominations and our homes for people who create.
We find ourselves drowning in cynicism. It is so easy to criticize the way so and so does things or the music on Sunday morning. It is much harder to look at church and life and instead of critiquing, creating.
Deep within each of us is something that is unique and lovely and wholly ours. Something that was placed in our hearts by the supreme creator. When we draw closer to God we draw closer to ourselves and the rhythm of creation. Being in union with God brings forth such amazing things.
On the other end of the spectrum though, are those that are far from God and far from themselves. Folks who are dry spiritually cease being fruitful. Instead of looking at life and saying what can I bring, they look at life and ask "What's in this for me?"
And we've all been there, haven't we? In that place where criticism rolls so easily off our tongues. Where we forget that we are invited to be a part of a community that relies on each other to be the hands and feet and eyes of the body of Christ. A body that does not work very well without all of it's parts.
I think of the Pharisees, so quick to abide by what had always been done, so eager to point out Jesus's flaws, not really doing anything to further Love but doing everything they can to keep up the status quo.
Whereas Jesus was giving. Life was flowing out of him. He didn't agree with the way church was being done in his time so he created something different. He created opportunities for people to learn, he created true community, he created in a way that made other people realize that they too could create.
Is there strife in your congregation? Do you feel like there is a war raging in your place of worship or your home? What is your solution to the discord of this life?
Cynicism is easy because it requires nothing of you but stinging words and a negative heart. There is no fruit that comes from being a critic.
Creation on the other hand, requires a lot of us. In fact, I'd say, it requires all of us. And the fruit that comes from putting forth all of your effort and heart into making something beautiful is just amazing. It is also hard and scary....but well worth the fear to be a true part of the Body.
What lies within you is so vital to the health of your church. You have the ability to create and to bring forth life and to honor God with the work of your hands and of your heart. What a wonderful God we serve, one who inspires and invites his creations to continue his work of making all things new in love.
“Pay close attention now: I’m creating new heavens and a new earth. All the earlier troubles, chaos, and pain are things of the past, to be forgotten. Look ahead with joy. Anticipate what I’m creating: I’ll create Jerusalem as sheer joy, create my people as pure delight." - Isaiah 65:17-18
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